DSMOA Process

Department of Defense And State Memorandum of Agreement

“DSMOA authorizes the Secretary of Defense to enter into agreements on a reimbursable or other basis for services provided by State agencies to assist the Secretary in carrying out the Secretary’s responsibilities that arise under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP)”

UXO Pro Consulting Services May Be Reimbursable Under DSMOA

The DSMOA Process

“The DSMOA Program was established pursuant to 10 U.S.C. (United States Code) 2701(d). The DSMOA Program supports environmental restoration and assists DoD in maintaining compliance with applicable State laws. Section 2701(d) authorizes the Secretary of Defense to enter into agreements on a reimbursable or other basis for services provided by State agencies to assist the Secretary in carrying out the Secretary’s responsibilities that arise under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP). The goals of the DSMOA Program are to support and expedite environmental restoration at active installations, Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) locations, and Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) through financial reimbursement for requested services provided by the States.”

“A DSMOA is an agreement between DoD and a State that provides a framework for partnership at specified DoD installations. These relationships are fostered through improved communication, coordination, and cooperation between States and DoD Components in order to facilitate progress on projects to protect human health and the environment. After signing a DSMOA with DoD, a State must apply for and be awarded a DSMOA CA in order to obtain financial reimbursement for its services and activities (hereafter, services) in support of DoD restoration activities (as outlined by the DSMOA). Under a DSMOA CA, the State may receive financial reimbursement from DoD for eligible services in support of environmental cleanup at listed installations. Only a State that has a completed and signed DSMOA is eligible to apply for a DSMOA CA under the DSMOA Program.”

Working Together To Acheive Cleanup: A Guide to the Cooperative Effort Process – The Department of Defense and State Memorandum of Agreement/Cooperative Agreement (DSMOA/CA) Program

Let Us Help You Through The DSMOA Process

Contact us today to see if your UXO remediation activities may be eligible.

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